Standard 5

Standard 5: Impact on Student Learning
Physical education teacher candidates utilize assessments and reflection to foster student learning and to inform instructional decisions.

Element  5.2: Use appropriate assessments to evaluate Student learning before, during, and after instruction.
Artifact : PED 434 Statistics & Assessments in Physical Education - Presentation
Date: Spring 2011
In PED 434 Statistics & Assessments in Physical Education we had to make up a school and present on the results of our assessment of the lesson that we taught. This artifact meets standard 5, to use appropriate assessments to evaluate student learning before, during, and after instruction. The presentation was on the results of the students after teaching them the proper grip, throwing, and rules for disc golf.
This is important for my development of a physical educator, because it is my responsibility to assess how my teaching can impact the students on their skills of all aspects of the game or activity. With this artifact I was able to assess the physical and cognitive aspects of the game.

Element  5.3: Utilize the reflective cycle to implement change in teacher performance, student learning, and instructional goals and decisions. Artifact : PED 434 Statistics & Assessments in Physical Education – Teacher work sample Data analysis and reflection
Date: Spring 2011
In PED 434 Statistics & Assessments in Physical Education we had to make up a school and present on the results of our assessment of the lesson that we taught. This artifact meets standard 5, to use appropriate assessments to evaluate student learning before, during, and after instruction. The reflection and analysis of the lesson taught on disc golf shows that I can go back over and see where I can improve on the lesson, and if any changes needed to be made they could be.
This is important for my development of a physical educator, because it is my responsibility to always give my students the best opportunity to learn. The only way that can happen is if I do an analysis of my lessons to see where I can improve as a teacher to help my students.